
The Flu + A Fat Man in Red

The flu came. The flu invaded. The flu won. This is Day 4 and John is the only one who has yet to throw up. But he's been thrown up on. Three times. Now, that's got to count for something. 

So that explains some of the silence around here. The other piece to the silence is that I, in an effort to make Christmas less AND more this year, have been a busy little bee working on some secret projects. 

Less and more. I want to spend less money and this time it's not because I'm being cheap. Although I am innately cheap - let's be real. But this year I don't want to say, thanks for being a great grandparent, let me go the day before Christmas (don't judge) and throw thirty dollars at a Chinese-made trinket from Target to show you my appreciation.  

And get ready for me to blow your mind. But, I heard this rumor that Christmas maybe isn't so much about giving each other more stuff as it is about this guy named Jesus. I was like say what?? You mean to tell me that this holiday isn't about me, my Christmas list and a fat man in a red polyester suit? Get outta here. Stop telling lies. And stop being mean. But then, it was confirmed. Christmas is indeed about the first five letters of the word. 

And given the weight of the word Christ, we thought it would be cool if there was a little separation in Annie's mind between images like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Jesus. Because one day she'll learn that two out of the three are fake. And we run the risk of confusing her into thinking that that third guy named Jesus is fake, too, if we throw him into the same category. So, we're vying for a little more clarity amidst the holiday chaos and hoopla. 

Less presents under the tree. More purpose in giving each other gifts to show our love in honor of the birthday of the guy who came to save us because of his great, great love. 

But anyway. Let it be known that there's lots of craftiness happening up in here. Lots of glue and thread and ink. Plus a whole lot of blog posts for December 26th. And, oh yeah. In other news, Annie learned how to use a spoon. Praise be to God. 

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