
Impatientitis + A Nice White Wall

We're not there yet. There's still work to be done. The base board hasn't been bought, cut or installed yet. And despite having just painted that wall, it needs touch up due to the disease from which I suffer. Impatientitis. It's chronic and painful. It forced me to hang that mirror alone while John was gone. And indeed I did drop it. Thrice. The evidence remains: tread marks against the white paint, a few knicks and a couple straight up dents in the wall. That mirror is a beast. A BEAST, I tell ya!

Anyway, this is the wall that once had the entertainment center built on it. (Posts here and here) It's the wall that looked like a battleground all summer long while we waited for an electrician and drywaller. It's even the wall that was hidden by a hanging rug for a good few months. 

And now, this wall, is nearly finished. 

I had another flare up from my Impatientitis tonight and snapped this picture in the dark. I was just so darn excited about my new antlered friend underneath the mirror that I bought today at Twig Interiors. Had to share him with the world. But once I settle down, I'll straighten things up and take some pictures of the whole living room. 


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